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* WAVE 2 RECEIVED ONLY * Wasteland Heavies/ Wasteland Warlord

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 Product Description

This item is only available to original Kickstarter backers who have RECEIVED THEIR WAVE 2 PACKAGE.  If you are not an original Kickstarter backer, please do not purchase this product, you will receive a refund, not the item.  This item is not for Forbidden Fortress Kickstarter backers.


Wasteland Warlord / Wasteland Heavies $15 (Miniatures only)


Blasted Wastes Deluxe OtherWorld Expansion
With the Blasted Wastes OtherWorld Expansion, we decided the retail release should become a "Deluxe OtherWorld Expansion" and include not only the 6xWasteland Scavengers as planned during the Kickstarter, but also include 6xTribal Ghost Warriors, 3xLarge Sand Crabs, and a set of 2xWasteland Scavenger Heavies and 1xWasteland Warlord.  Outlaw Pledges do not include the Blasted Wastes OtherWorld Expansion unless you added it separately in the Pledge Manager, but Minecart Pledges do include the Blasted Wastes OtherWorld expansion.  The Tribal Ghost Warriors were a Stretch Goal that was not unlocked during the Kickstarter campaign, but we gave the option to purchase a set of Tribal Ghost Warriors in the Pledge Manager.  The set of large Sand Crabs and the set of Wasteland Heavies/Warlord are new and did not exist during the Kickstarter or Pledge Manager.  So, a Minecart Backer who purchased the Tribal Ghost Warriors in the Pledge Manager, would still need to purchase the Sand Crabs and Wasteland Heavies/Warlord to complete their Blasted Wastes Deluxe OtherWorld Expansion.  A Minecart backer who did not already purchase the Tribal Ghost Warriors in the Pledge Manager, can now add them along with the Sand Crabs and Wasteland Heavies/Warlord  in the Web Store to complete their Blasted Wastes Deluxe OtherWorld Expansion.  An Outlaw backer who added the Blasted Wastes OtherWorld Expansion in the Pledge Manager, may still want to add Tribal Ghost Warriors, Sand Crabs, and Wasteland Heavies/Warlord to complete their Blasted Wastes Deluxe OtherWorld Expansion and can do so in the Web Store.  

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